How Mike Acker Went From Self-Published to Traditionally Published Author

On episode #198 of The Author Factor Podcast I am having a conversation with author and communications expert, Mike Acker.


Mike has published 17 books and workbooks over the past few years and has built a tremendous following from his books.

During our conversation, Mike shared how he went from being a self-published author to getting a deal with a traditional publisher.

His latest book, Speak with Confidence, delivers a practical and hands-on playbook to building the confidence you need to nail your next presentation, speech, virtual talk, or social media post.

Unlocking the Author Factor: This Episode's Big Takeaway

The key author factor from this episode is the power of building confidence in communication. Mike Acker emphasizes that confidence is the key to great public speaking and effective communication. He breaks down the three main sources of confidence: skills, messaging, and identity. By understanding and working on these areas, listeners can improve their communication abilities and ultimately achieve success in their professional lives.

Mike Acker shares what it means to be an author...

Learn more about Mike Acker by visiting:

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