Overcoming Mental Barriers to Write and Publish Your First Book – Britt Lefkoe

On episode #193 of The Author Factor Podcast I am having a conversation with business and personal development coach, Britt Lefkoe.


Britt has yet to publish her first book, but I invited her on the show because of our ability to help others overcome mental barriers when it comes to things like writing a book.

Britt is one of the top business and personal development coaches in her field. For over 20 years, she has used a neuroscientific approach to help clients achieve unprecedented growth and create deep fulfillment.

I invited Britt on to discuss how to get past any mental blocks that may be preventing you from writing your first (or next) book.

Unlocking the Author Factor: This Episode's Big Takeaway

The key author factor from this episode is that everyone, regardless of their level of success, has some level of "head trash" or limiting beliefs that can hold them back from writing a book. It is crucial to recognize and address these beliefs in order to move forward and achieve success in writing and publishing.

Britt Lefkoe shares how to overcome limiting beliefs...

Learn more about Britt Lefkoe by visiting:

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