On episode #226 of The Author Factor Podcast, I am having a conversation with the author of the nonfiction book, Brain Glue, James I. Bond. Despite the coincidence of sharing a name with a famous spy, James has carved out his own impressive niche in the world of marketing and communication. With a background rich in behavioral management, Jim has been at the forefront of developing innovative strategies to make marketing messages stick.

Jim's book (which I highly recommend), Brain Glue, explores the crucial role of capturing and maintaining consumer attention in today’s saturated markets. One compelling aspect covered in the book is how the strategic use of language patterns can significantly enhance the effectiveness of communication. This book promises to reveal secrets that will make any message unforgettable and is a must-read for anyone looking to leave a lasting impact through their words.
Learn more about James I. Bond by visiting:
Mike Capuzzi: Have you ever wondered why some ideas stick and others don't? Meet Bond. James Bond. No, seriously. Actually, let me clarify that, James I. Bond, a titan in behavioral management and business marketing whose groundbreaking book brain glue reveals the secret to making your messages unforgettable. Brain Glue was one of my top five business books I read in 2023, and I cannot recommend it enough to anyone interested in improving their ads, emails, social media posts and sales presentations. James, welcome to the show.
James Bond: Oh, Mike, thank you for having me. Love your podcast.
Mike Capuzzi: If you don't mind, I'm going to call you Jim. Yeah, I know you go by both, but it's kind of cool.
James Bond: This one. Call me Jimbo. That's what my brother calls me. Jimbo. Annoy me, you know? Jimbo. Hey, it's like, no.
Mike Capuzzi Now, just out of curiosity, going off script already. I mean, were your parents, like. I mean, was. Was Bond, was that, like. Was there any, like, reason why or it just so happened, or is James Bond actually named after you?
James Bond: Well, I wish that one, but my parents say it was coincidence. I'm actually old enough that I was born after the books, but before the movies.
Mike Capuzzi: Yeah.
James Bond: So it was only after the movies came out that suddenly people started making fun of me. So my name, it's, you know, obviously.
Mike Capuzzi: And this, I know this doesn't, you know, you've heard this before, but, like, given what your gift is with helping people make their messages heard and remembered, I mean, with a name like James Bond, who's written this book, how perfect is that?
James Bond: Well, and you hit the nail on the head. I think that's one of the main reasons. I mean, there are physical things that happen that got me to come up with the concept of brain glue. But I believe you're hitting a nail on the head. Is it because my name. I'll walk in, people say, oh, and that guy's James Bond. I go, James Bond. And suddenly it wakes him up and I have to.
James Bond: The worst thing is, if I'm in a room with like, 150 or 200 people, everybody knows my name. I've gone, what's your name again? But, yeah, but it's just because I'm fascinated by the fact that there are certain things and certain names, but there are certain words that are wake up your brain. Let me give you a great example, okay? Here's a kid who was. He dropped out of high school. He never finished high school. He borrowed some money from his dad and he became a billionaire. Okay. Because of the help of one word.
James Bond: Okay, so I'll give it to you this way. What does billionaire Richard Branson, Madonna and olive oil have in common? Virgin. Virgin. Olive oil. Like a virgin touch for the very first time. Whatever it was, I'm a very bad singer. Richard Branson discovered that he borrowed money from his dad, and he started a magazine for musicians. Okay? And eventually he started a record company, and he thought, I need a name that's really going to stand out.
James Bond: Why don't I call it Virgin Records? He ended up getting people like the Rolling Stones and others, and he realized, wow, this virgin thing works really well. So he started naming every company he, you know, every company he got involved with, he's got virgin hotels. I didn't know that. Someone told me. Oh, yeah, there's one down the street from us in Texas. They have. Virgin hotels are all over Texas. And of course, virgin airlines.
James Bond: Yep. You know what I mean? And Virgin Galactic, you know because he recognized this word, triggers. So there's this woman, Eve Ensler, and she created a play off Broadway that became massively successful. In fact, there was an HBO, a show or series on her as well. And so she wanted to come up with a woman, women's rights. You know, people don't understand what a lot of women have to go through. What do I call it? What did I call it? The vagina monologues. Okay.
James Bond: Does that get your attention? Vagina. I'm from Montreal, Canada. Okay. I live in southern California. I always remember this. And so there's a city in Canada called Regina, Saskatchewan. Okay. And as kids, we would always laugh when we hear the name Regina.
James Bond: Regina. You know what that sounds like, right? Okay. So a few years ago, the city of Regina, Saskatchewan, decided they would start an advertising campaign to try to bring tourists to them. Okay, so if you're doing advertising for the city of Regina, what would you come up with as far as the slogan? Okay. Their slogan was so hot and amazing that Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones and Madonna both talked about it in their concerts with thousands of people inside their concerts. Okay, so what was the slogan? It was on t shirts, on bumper stickers. Okay, Regina. It rhymes with fun.
Mike Capuzzi: You wrote about that in your book, right?
James Bond: Yeah, no, exactly. I was just like, what? I mean, if. I don't know if I have the guts to come up with a campaign like that. So about a year ago or so, they came out and they said, okay, we're stopping the campaign. We're sorry. We didn't know it was going to offend people. Yeah, right after they tripled tourism. Okay.
James Bond: People would, Regina. It rhymes with fun. They go to Regina website and go, oh, wow. So kind of cool. Said Regina. Know it. Yes, it does rhyme with fun. And then they would have.
Mike Capuzzi: That is one of the classics. That would definitely be one of the newer classics.
James Bond: So. Yeah. Really?
Mike Capuzzi: Well, Jim, I want to, first of all, and I don't say this lightly. I typically don't.
James Bond: Is this going to be heavy? No, no, no.
Mike Capuzzi: I don't typically promote a lot of books. People are usually coming onto my show because they come to us and say, hey, we'd love to be on her show. In this case, you're one of the few authors so far that I've actually reached out to because I was so, you know, I found your book so profound and so useful and practical that I reached out to you on LinkedIn. You were kind enough to say yes. So I want to talk about brain glue, because I'm a big believer that words matter and all the things that you describe, it's a great book for it. We're going to sell a lot of copies of this book for you on this episode because a lot of my followers, they, you know, it's about copywriting. It's about marketing, messaging.
James Bond: It's also about communication, too.
Mike Capuzzi: Right, right. But before we get into there, I want to take one detour and let's just go step back. And really, if you would just share a brief history of what you've been doing and what you're doing today.
James Bond: Well, I'm originally from Montreal. I live in Southern California because it's a lot warmer here. Now let me start that. Okay. I have 50 below in Montreal. Was like, oh, wow, really fun. And when I was in Montreal, I actually moved here about 37 years ago. Our middle daughter, Lauren, we gave her the initials LA because I'm bad at memory of, you know, how long have you been in California? So I go, how old's Lauren? Oh, she's 37.
James Bond: So we've been here 37 years. It helped Lauren. Asia. Aja. Okay. But from the Steely Dan album, Asia, she asked me two years ago, she said, mom, dad, I love the name Asia. Everybody loves it. What do you name me from? And I said, well, from the Steely Dan album, and there's a song called Asia.
James Bond: She listened to it and called me back and said, I hate that song. Like, I'm sorry, but I love the name. But she said, it's kind of growing on me now. That's fine. It's the scary thing about being a parent is talking about naming products and stuff. How about naming a child? Well.
Mike Capuzzi: Hey, Jim, real quick, I gotta interrupt, if you don't mind. My daughter, my oldest daughter, is Caroline. And she. My wife says no, but I'm like, she was named after Neil Diamonds, you know? I loved that song when I was a kid, Caroline. When I was a little kid, two things. I loved that song because my parents were Neil diamond fans. And second, I had an infatuation, fourth grade, with a girl named Caroline. And I said to myself, at that young age, if I ever have a daughter, she's going to be named Caroline.
Mike Capuzzi: Well, Caroline just graduated college, and matter of fact, she just started her first job yesterday, so.
James Bond: Oh, wow, congrats. That's awesome.
Mike Capuzzi: So I interrupted. Sorry.
James Bond: No, that's perfect. That's perfect. So, I had an advertising agency in Montreal, and I worked my way up and eventually won some of the biggest companies in the world as clients. Kraft foods, Timex watches, Seagram’s. Their world headquarters is here. And I had an opportunity to win the anti drug campaign in America. So I came up with powerful, logical reasons why you should not do drugs. Logical? I'm a logical guy.
James Bond: We learned in school, you want to persuade, use logic. Boy, was that wrong. Okay, so I lost the campaign to this guy who came up with a guy holding an egg, saying, this is your brain. They cracked the shell and dropped the egg into a sizzling frying pan. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions? And when I saw the ad, it terrified me. First, I recognized two things. One is, this is more profound and powerful than the logical stuff that we came up with.
James Bond: But second, this is emotional selling. I have no idea how to do emotional selling. How can I be in advertising and marketing and business and life as an author, even, and not know how to do emotional selling? You know? I mean, I had. When I was young, I went to zig Ziglar workshop, and Zig Ziglar had this fantastic line. He said, it really helped me because I hated selling. In the beginning, I hated selling until I discovered brain glue. And then I realized, if you're in business and you don't know brain glue, you have a massive disadvantage. You don't have to take my word for it.
James Bond: Jack Canfield sold 500 million books, and he read my book. He couldn't put the damn thing down. He said, I couldn't put the damn thing down. I'm, like, apologizing. I'm sorry. Can I use that as a quote? Yeah. But he recognized that it's a secret weapon, but so I realized, this is emotional selling. How does this work? I don't even understand.
James Bond: How did they come up with this idea of cracking an egg and saying, this is your brain, and dropping it into a pan? And so I realized they don't teach emotional selling in school, and there's, like, no place. I looked in the library, and they superficial things, but they don't really talk about it. So what I did was, next to my computer, I created a box, and I called it the passion box. And every time I saw an ad or heard something that was emotionally powerful, instead of trying to overanalyze it, I said, let me just put it in the box. So hopefully, eventually, I have so many examples that I'll understand how to do emotional selling. After about ten years, a little more than ten years, we've moved to Southern California, and I met John Gray, an author. And John Gray was telling me about his book, men, women, and relationships. And he was frustrated.
James Bond: He was telling me because he said people who read the book loved it. This was, like, one of the best relationship books ever. But almost nobody was buying the book. And so he got this crazy idea, what if I change the title to men are from Mars, women are from Venus, and tweak the content just a little? It's the same book, but tweak the content a little. So I refer to men are from Mars, and women are from Venus. Throughout the book, he said, guess what happened almost overnight. He sold half a million copies. Like, whoa.
James Bond: A million, 2 million, 5 million in my book. I have a mistake. I said, he sold 10 million copies. I did research. I know Steve Harrison, who helped him with marketing. And Steve was telling me, no, he didn't sell 10 million books. I said, Steve, I did research. It's online, and you can do stuff and everything.
James Bond: No, we're over 50 million books sold now. He went from 20,000 to 50 million books sold because he changed the title. And so I thought, wow. When I got home, I wrote men are from ours. Actually, I had the book. I was putting the book in the box. Okay. Getting ready to put the book in the box.
James Bond: Mental from Mars, wonderful Venus inside my passion box. And I suddenly realized, wait a second. This is a metaphor. It's a metaphor. Men aren't really from a different planet, although I think a lot of women believe we are. I think I can understand why, but that's a whole other story. But I also realized that this is. Your brain on drugs with the egg is also a metaphor because that's not really your brain.
James Bond: It's like your brain because your brain gets fried. They're probably sitting around a table thinking, okay, so when you take drugs, what happens? And somebody probably said, well, it fries your brain. Okay, what else gets fried? Eggs. Let's show an egg getting fried and say, there's your brain getting fried. You know? And I went like, oh, is metaphor the key to the secret to emotional selling? When I got home, I dumped the passion box on my bed, and I realized it's one of 14 brain triggers at the heart of emotional selling. I thought my brain was going to explode. I was like, have I just figured out something that, like, nobody realizes? And let's use Jack Canfield as an example. So Jack Canfield was telling me, he came up with the title of the book.
James Bond: He was. The book was his book. Chicken soup for the soul was originally called. They were calling it 101 emotional stories that will change your life. But he went like. It was bothering him for about a month. He was going like, that's just other people can have the same. They won't understand how powerful this book is and everything else.
James Bond: They said he woke up one day and he went, chicken soup makes you feel better. If you're really sick, my book makes you feel better. Why don't I call it chicken soup for this? Chicken soup, not for the soul. Chicken soup for the spirit. He said, it doesn't exactly work yet, but I kind of like chicken soup for the spirit. He said after about a weekend of sleepless nights, he realized he should use alliteration, which is another brain glue tool besides metaphor. Okay? The repetition of sounds. I realized Coca Cola, best buy, PayPal, you know, I mean, it's like these are repeating sounds.
James Bond: And he went, s o u p s o u l. Chicken soup for the soul. That works.
Mike Capuzzi: Oh, man.
James Bond: But here's the thing that happened, okay? He sold eventually, 100 million chicken soup for the soul books and 400 million of chicken soup for the other sold. Chicken soup for the teenage sold. Chicken soup for the cancer survivors sold. But since then, he's become famous because he's famous because so many people bought his book that he started. He published other books, and he's never used brain glue tools again. He said, I'm reading your book, and I'm realizing that's why chicken soup for the soul was so powerful. And he's got all these other best sellers, over 60 bestsellers. But they're best sellers because they know him and how profound he is.
James Bond: But he's never applied chicken brain glue to that. That's why he's forcing everybody in his company. He bought copies for everybody, and he's forcing them to read this because he says, you got to understand, there are certain triggers that wake up the brain, because the brain is half asleep, because we're so overwhelmed with knowledge, and our phone is texting us all the time, and we get ads and people's hats and t shirts and stuff like that that we just kind of almost turn off our brain to stuff. So if I'm trying to talk somebody into something, they're half asleep. They don't realize it. I don't realize that they're half listening. You know, they're also thinking, you know, wait, it's raining outside. Did I forget to close the windows on my car? Am I going through a divorce? Am I, you know, did I just win a client, and I got to figure out how to serve them? Did I lose a client? You know, whatever else it is? Did my daughter drop out of school? You know what I mean? All these things are going on ahead now.
James Bond: I show up and say, hey, I got something I want to talk to you about. They're not fully listening. They're just partially listening, and so we need to wake up the brain. So let me give you an example because this was one that really got me. So I have a tv next to my computer. I'm sitting and working on a computer. I'm not really listening to the tv. And they have an ad for blue emu.
James Bond: It's anti arthritis cream. You put it on your joints and stuff if you start feeling achy. And it has Johnny Bench, who's a famous ex baseball player and hall of fame Johnny Bench is talking, and I'm not even listening. And then he goes, blue emu. It works fast, and you won't stink. And I go, like, what did he just say? From that moment forward, I'm listening in detail to the commercial. It works fast, and you won't stink. What was this an ad for? And I listened intently to the commercial, okay? But it's just, that's what we want to do, is we want to wake up the brain, you know, chicken soup for the soul.
James Bond: I mean, men are from Mars, women from Venus. I remember buying that book, okay? And I bought it at Barnes and Noble. And so I'm looking at book, book, book. Men are from Mars. Winner from Venus. Book. But what men are from Mars, women are from Venus. What the heck's that? And I went and I picked it up, which is the first step to buying, right? And I started looking at the book.
James Bond: Oh, this is really great. And I ended up buying the book because it woke up the brain. Okay, so here's an example of a woman. There's a woman who's a stay at home mom. She spent no money, and she has more than 5 million fans to her Facebook page. More than 5 million fans. How did she do that? Okay, so she's a stay at home mom, and she wants to create a Facebook page. And she said, okay, what am I.
James Bond: What am I going to call it? Why don't I call it? Let's see. Mommy needs time to herself. Mommy needs a rest. I know what mommy needs. Mommy needs vodka. She created a page pumping these vodka. She has good posts. So I have a friend that must have been a fan of hers or something and shared a post of mommy needs vodka.
James Bond: I'm looking at it. It's a pretty good post. And I go like, it's, mommy, mommy needs vodka. Wake up my brain. This is from mommy needs vodka. What's that? Clicked on the link, as 5 million other people must have done, went to her page and started looking at some of the posts. She has. She has really good posts.
James Bond: And I said, I got to be a fan. This is great. And I became a fan. Now, how many people out there have really good Facebook posts and yet you don't have 5 million fans? And here's this woman who spent. Guess how much she spent? Zero. And she has more than 5 million fans. And it's just because it wakes up the brain. And that's what we have to do is if we're trying to explain something or sell something, if we can wake up the brain, it really helps.
James Bond: And that's what I discovered are patterns. You know, I mean, we know the pattern. I'm amazed I'm old enough to remember. You may be also, but there are a lot of people out there who are not old enough to remember President John F. Kennedy. But I start saying the phrase, ask not what your country can do for you. And all these people can say, yeah, ask what you can do for your country. They remember it.
James Bond: There's something called chiasmus. It's kind of a flip phrase, like, all for one and one for all. Okay. And so Malcolm X, civil rights activist Malcolm X had a great line. And he want. So he might want to say back then, you have no idea how hard it is being a black person in America, in certain parts of America. Okay. And people go, yeah, okay, right.
James Bond: I get it. You know, I've heard it before and all that stuff, not putting it down. Okay, because I know it's serious. But instead he said, we didn't land on Plymouth Rock. The rock landed on us. And people go like, oh, wow. You know? He also had this phrase, when you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything. Now we want to say, come on, you got to stand for something.
James Bond: What do you stand for? But if you say, if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything. It resonates, you know because it's a pattern that the brain, the brain likes patterns. We don't realize this, but I always love this. Jack and Jill went up the hill. Who doesn't know that word? Okay? And it's rhyme, but we remember it like it was yesterday, even though for me it was like over 50 years ago, 60 years ago, actually. I'm getting old. What can I say? But I can be in my deathbed and somebody says, hey, Shane, jack, and join up. I'll go hill the fed pillow.
James Bond: I mean, I'll remember it on my deathbed. It's rhyme. You know, it's like, I always remember this. A lot of us remember this from OJ Simpson's trial. If the glove doesn't fit, you have to acquit. There were two jurors after it. There was a ton of evidence against him, but there were two jurors after. He obviously exaggerated the glove not fitting him, too.
James Bond: And I'm not getting into whether he did or didn't do that. Okay? But the question is this. There was an interviewer who was interviewing two of the jurors, and one of them started nodding her head and yes, in agreement, while the other one explained this. And the interviewer said, with all that evidence against OJ, why do you find him not guilty? And she looked confidently and said, we knew if the glove don't fit, you must acquit. The glove didn't fit. So we had to acquit. And that's where I realized that this stuff applies to how we talk to our kids. It applies to.
James Bond: I had this woman who said to me, you're. This is terrifying when you're, you know, John Grey, who did Men are from Mars Women Are From Venus, said, don't tell people you're an expert. I'm supposed to be an expert in men women, relationships. I go home and my wife proves that I am not an expert. Okay, tell them you're a specialist. Okay. But this woman says, so you're an expert in brain glue? And I'm like, well, not really. She says, no, yeah, help me with my 14 year old son.
James Bond: I'm like, okay. He says, well, my 14 year old son said, mommy, why do we have to follow so many rules in life? She says, what do I tell him? So I'm thinking about it. I went, okay, well, rhyme is one rules. What rhymes with rules? How about fools? Only fools don't follow rules. Okay, that's one. But let me add a metaphor because that'll make it even stronger. So I brainstormed with the mom, and I came up with one, and I sat down with her and her son, and I said, so you were asking your mom why we have to follow so many rules in life, right? And he says, yeah. I said, well, think about it.
James Bond: If you're thirsty, you could always drink out of the toilet. But why would you want to? Remember, only fools don't follow rules? He looks up at me and he goes, hmm, that makes sense. First, getting a 14 year old to say anything makes sense. I escaped before he asked me another question. Okay, but does it really make sense, or did I just trigger the part of the brain? And it goes with, here's the two political phrases. And I'm not getting into politics. I don't want to say I'm for against anything, but I'm fascinated when somebody uses a brain glue type tool. Okay, so you can't hug a child with nuclear arms.
James Bond: Okay, well, that's interesting. Okay. It's anchoring. It's like taking two phrases that don't fit together and putting it together. Okay, how about this one? This is using chiasmus. Okay. To flip the right to bear arms is almost as crazy as the right to arm bears. Okay? Now, I'm not getting at the pro or anti gun.
James Bond: This is not about that at all. Guys and gals out there. But it's just like, it resonates with the brain. Okay. But it's just, I realized, just like I did it with the 14 year old boy, I used some of the tools, and it resonated with him where he went. Okay, that makes sense.
Mike Capuzzi: Like I said, I bought the Kindle version, and I enjoyed the Kindle version so much, I had to buy the paperback version because I wanted to start locking it up. Right? But what I found so important, to me, at least, was you write, first of all, you write like you talk. So it's very enjoyable to read. You tell stories, you give a lot of examples, but it was also very practical. Like, this was not a theoretical heavy, like every chapter. And it's funny, one of the most profound chapters I read in your book. I mean, literally, the next day, after I read it on the Kindle version, the first version I read was the concept of the chiasmus. I had never heard of that.
Mike Capuzzi: And I'm a pretty good copywriter. I've been in the marketing game a long time. I understood it when you showed examples, but what a powerful technique. And I started playing with them. I think why your book is so important to every listener. There's not one person listening to this, and I'm not saying that I'm not going to make a dime, but there's not one person listening to this interview that could not benefit from your book. I really believe that whether because we all are in communication, we're all writing, blogging, even if it's a script for a video, what you teach, and again, teach is even a challenge, not even the right word, because what you share makes it so doable for anybody to leverage. I really believe that.
James Bond: Here's the thing that most people are saying. I'm just, I'm blessed. I'm very lucky that this, I uncovered this and all this stuff, but I didn't invent brain glue. I invented the term brain glue. But it's out there. When people start reading the book, you start recognizing, oh, wow, like that uses brain glue. Wow, that uses, you know, I'm talking to Jack Canfield. That's chicken soup for his soul.
James Bond: He, and he was telling me, you didn't talk about chicken soup for the soul in your book. Sorry. You know, you know, I mean, but because it's out there, he's on the COVID When you start seeing them, you, when you start learning as a brain glue tools, you start recognizing, oh, you know, I mean, if you're trying to get your kids to bed, you know, using the rhyme would help, you know, I mean, there's just, they're tools that are already wired into us.
Mike Capuzzi: Yes. And it's so, it is so powerful. But you even lived it because brain glue was not your first book title, right?
James Bond: No.
Mike Capuzzi: So you even, like, what do they say? Like the popper has or the shoemaker has no shoes or whatever.
James Bond: Right.
Mike Capuzzi: Can you share that? Because I found that even, like, wow.
James Bond: Like, okay, so I actually had three. This is the third title, not the second. Okay.
Mike Capuzzi: Oh, wow. Okay.
James Bond: So I, so I was, I was listening to, on a history channel or something. I forgot where it was. I was reading an article about Kerry smith who changed the name of his company to big ass fans by the name ass. And suddenly he was able to sell the company after a few years for $500 million. I mean, he made a fortune because it was called big ass fans, which really goes, what, what's the name of that company, you know, wakes you up? So I called it. Hang on, I gotta remember the title of this.
Mike Capuzzi: This is the first version.
James Bond: The first version. Dump your half ass marketing strategy. That was the first title. And then Amazon is doing all this thing because he want to get lots of reviews and advertise on Amazon. And Amazon said, no, we're not allowing swear words anymore. You have a swear word in your title. So I said, oh, and I had lots of reviews. People were liking the book.
James Bond: So I changed the title to a left brain, to a logical title. Okay. And the title was sell more with a right brain marketing strategy. So what I'm saying sell more with.
Mike Capuzzi: A right brain marketing strategy.
James Bond: Yeah, right, exactly.
Mike Capuzzi: Like a white paper.
James Bond: Yeah, exactly. So when I presented to Jack Canfield, who wrote chicken soup for the soul, and he's very famous, and so it was nice to have a famous person who loved your book. So he said, I love this book. This is amazing. And I said, oh, great. He got pissed off. I was just looking, I was glancing at the book because I have so many books to read and I couldn't push their damn book down. I'm like, I'm sorry, can I use that as a quote? You know? And he says, on one condition.
James Bond: I said, what's the condition? He said, you're selling us on doing emotional selling and you have a logical title on your book. The whole book's about brain glue. You have to change the title. And I had to think. I had like 70 or 80 reviews on the book, you know, which is you work hard to get reviews on your book. But I said, do I have to? He said, yes, you want, I'll give you all the quotes. I love this. I'm getting my people to use this book.
James Bond: I'm getting copies for everybody. I'm making them use this on one condition. Can you use my quote? You got to change the damn title. Like, okay. You know, he said, yeah, you're teaching us how to be emotional selling and you have a logical title. What's that all about? And by the way, a lot of people told me they're really glad they changed the title because they couldn't remember the book. They couldn't remember the title. The two problems.
James Bond: I have two problems. A second problem that a lot of people don't have. The first problem was the title was too long, so nobody could remember the title. But if you look up my name, you're going to get James Bond. You're going to get Sean Connery. You're not getting me. So I was really tortured. It's like, okay, it's brain glue.
James Bond: I'm glad he got me to change it.
Mike Capuzzi: Oh, yeah.
James Bond: Yeah.
Mike Capuzzi: And it's, you know, it just makes sense. I mean, reading a book is great. Obviously, you know, you're giving it all. They're not holding anything back. Do you help clients with this stuff now, Jim?
James Bond: Like, do you? Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Tell me more about that. I got tons of people that I help with. Help with it. I had this guy, his name is David Bear Baer.
Mike Capuzzi: Oh, yeah, I know David.
James Bond: Oh, you know David. Okay. So I said, I got a name for. I got a new name for your business because he helps the advertisers. Okay. Call it bear naked advertising. His partner is like, he's got a partner? He said, yeah, that's a great name. And David's like, I don't know if I want to go bear naked advertising.
James Bond: Come on, David, people are going to remember your name. Cause you're talking about naked doesn't just mean naked, no clothes. It means, you know, the essence is the. You know. So he hasn't changed it yet, but.
Mike Capuzzi: He was on this podcast a few years ago. Yeah, he's a real smart guy. He's got some great books, too.
James Bond: Yeah, yeah. So I have this, the wire company, and they called it, it's e dash.com. And so he's calling it e dash. W a y r e. Nobody's going to remember that. You know, it's easy to remember. Eyre.com dot, he's a wire manufacturer. They sell wire online.
James Bond: Okay. I said, and I'm just talking to him about it. I said, also, which a lot of people don't understand, this is. Yeah. Often you have to give people a reason why they should buy your product or book. Okay? You know, men are from Mars, women from Venus. Kind of tells you there's something going on. Chicken soup for a soul is telling you, you know, this is going to help you.
James Bond: Like, chicken soup helps you, you know? And so these guys, they had a website, and I said, well, what's so great? Why should somebody come to your website? And it took a while. And he said, well, he starts giving me the reasons why. I said, how come you don't have any of that listed on your website? He goes, oh, okay. So then he puts it in small text at the top of the website. He said, nobody's going to read that. What is it? He said, well, we have most websites that sell wire products sell, you know, like 10,000 to 30,000 products. We have over 200,000 products you can get. This is the largest website.
James Bond: I said, how come you're not telling people when they come to your website, the largest wire and wire and resources website products available or something like that? He goes, oh, you think I should do that? I said, you're trying to get you do all this work to bring somebody to your website and you're not going to tell them why they should buy from you. I mean, like, hello.
Mike Capuzzi: Now, do you consult for clients? Do you do consulting for clients or at this point?
James Bond: Well, I do a lot of work for the small business administration, volunteer work. Okay. So I love helping people that way. And it's one of my favorite movies of all time was pay it forward. And so to me, you know, and guys, if you haven't seen that movie pay it forward, you gotta see it. You know, it's a fabulous movie. It's about, you know, people do things for you that are really positive, and then you want to do it for other people. Don't pay them back, pay them forward.
James Bond: You know, find somebody else to help. And I think for me, I help a lot of people because of that. I was a coach and consultant, but, you know, I'm having so much fun with brain glue that I'm focusing on that because it's lots of fun. But it's also, it's fun because it benefits people. I have this woman, she has, her name is. Oh, I forget her name. I'll think of it in a second. Begins with an R.
James Bond: Okay. I forget her name, but I'll.
Mike Capuzzi: Regina.
James Bond: No, no. Yeah, Regina. That's who it is. No. Robin Thompson. And she's on tv in Detroit. Okay. And she's a.
James Bond: She helps women. She helps everybody, but she helps women with their finances. Okay? And so one of the things we want to focus on is who are you targeting also? And so she helps women who make over $100,000 a year, but they look at their bank account and their savings. They have almost nothing in their savings because they're spending all their money on everything. Okay? And so I said, so who are you targeting? And it took her a while, and she finally said, a lot of them is women with a spouse, could be male or female spouse, but a woman with a spouse, I said, so if they're going to buy your program to help them save money, then they have to sell their spouse, right? Because they're not going to spend four or $5,000 on a program and not have to explain it to their spouse. So we came up with a phrase. I said, what do you want to tell them? And we started with a trigger phrase. I hate giving away all my money.
James Bond: Okay. Or so much of my money. And we kept cutting it down so we would have fewer words. And it's like, I hate giving away our money. And so you want to give them a phrase so that they can tell it to their spouse. You know, so why you. Why are you buying this program? Because I hate giving away our money. And give them a phrase that they can repeat to their spouse and also to themselves.
James Bond: And so you say, you know, people who sign up for my program, the first thing they say is, I hate giving away my money. You know, like, oh. And it resonates with the brain. You know, it's like one of those emotional things where people go, yeah, do you like giving away your money? Because I hate giving away my money. You know? Do you know that she starts talking about, like, if you like a Starbucks, okay. You realize if you stop buying Starbucks after about ten years, you have $100,000. People go like, what? Yeah. You know, I mean, just so you know.
James Bond: And we're not talking just about stopping things you love. But just FYI, you know, Starbucks is 100 grand. There's 100 grand there. There's this for that. You know, she goes through the money and it really helps. But. So she said, I don't know about you guys, but I hate giving away my money. And suddenly it resonates.
James Bond: Whoa. Yeah. I'm not a fan of a. Giving away my money is. Look at your bank account. Look at your. How much money you've saved. Do you like giving your money away to people you hate? You know, I mean, you're giving away your money to people that are buying, you know, jets for themselves.
James Bond: They get the credit card companies and all these guys, you know, they're enjoying your money. They love you. Thank you. Thank you. They don't even say thank you. You know? And as I started talking about that, because I'm talking about it from an emotional standpoint, she's like, oh, but can you slow down? I'm so sorry. I'm so. I feel so bad I didn't record this call, you know, because it's like.
James Bond: But it's. That's what we need to do is if you have something that's important, if you have something that you think is really valuable, you know, I'll go back to what. What zig Ziglar said, you know, I don't know the secret. I don't know how to. Nobody has to. Selling is nothing more than a transference of passion. Selling is nothing more than a transference of passion. When I heard him say that, it was like, oh, he said, no, you saw a movie that you love.
James Bond: You don't have to. I don't have to teach you how to sell to go, oh, man, you got to see, this movie is so great. I saw Marshall the Martian. Have you seen that? Whoa. Nobody has to teach you how to sell because you're transferring your passion. And that's what, school messed us up a little bit because I said, cotton, what's the logical reason? You know, I love saying one plus one equals how much? And people say two. He said, does it always equal two? One plus one? They go, well, what do you mean? Yeah, one plus one equals two. So one flock of birds joins another flock of birds.
James Bond: One plus one equals a bigger flock of birds. One plus one equals one. There's an ad for a condom company. It says, one plus one equals three. You know, remember, that's why you need a condom, because otherwise one plus one equals three. You know, that's good. Interesting. You know, that's good.
Mike Capuzzi: To wrap up today's interview, how can our listeners learn more about you? How can they connect with you? And where's the best place to get brain glue?
James Bond: Well, right now the best place is Amazon. So you can just go to Amazon and look up brain glue. Don't look up James Bond. You're not going to find me page twelve or something. But, you know, brain glue is there and people are really enjoying it. But it's, you know, I approach it from a marketing standpoint, but I realize it's life because if we have something that's really important, we're trying to, you know, I have kids, you have kids, you know, daughter. So, you know, you want to say something and you want people to go, oh, that's interesting, instead of going, oh, yeah, I heard that before. Whatever else, brain glue is about how to persuade, how to interact with each other.
James Bond: Now, the good news is if you're trying to sell your book or a product, it helps you with that, too, because that's all still part of persuasion. It's part of waking up the brain. So they go like, oh, wow. Oh, yeah, that's interesting. And so, yeah, but Amazon is a good place to go. You can go to yesbrainglue.com and it's got lots of information on brain glue, including links to Amazon. But yes, brainglue.com would be an easy place to go. Okay.
Mike Capuzzi: Very good. Well, Jim, I really do appreciate your time. I appreciate you for publishing this book the third time, so it would all stick with us. And really, I'm going to encourage everybody to grab a copy of it. It's that good of a book. So thank you very much.
James Bond: Oh, thank you, Mike, so much for having me.